Actor Thalapathy Vijay from Tamil Nadu declared on Friday the creation of the political party Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, emphasising his dedication to “fundamental political change” and a government free from corruption, caste, and mismanagement.
The actor revealed the noteworthy news after his fan group, Vijay Makkal Iyakkam, met last week in Chennai and decided to accept the formation of the political party.
The actor released a statement in which he stated, “We are making an application today to the EC to register our party ‘Tamizhaga Vetri Kazhagam’. Our goal is to contest and win the upcoming 2026 assembly elections and bring about the fundamental political change that people want.”
“Politics is not just another career for me. It is a sacred people’s work. I have been preparing myself for it for a long time. Politics is not a hobby for me. That is my deepest desire. I want to fully involve myself in it,” the actor said.
Further explaining actor Vijay’s political move, the statement further said, “You are all aware of the current political climate. Administrative malpractices and corrupt political culture on the one hand, and a divisive political culture which strives to divide our people on the lines of caste and religion on the other hand. Everyone, especially, in Tamil Nadu is yearning for a fundamental political change that can lead to a selfless, transparent, caste-free, visionary, corruption-free and efficient administration”.
The party intends to hold activities and meetings in public after receiving the Election Commission’s approval. They will introduce a flag and party emblem during these events, along with their policies, tenets, and action plans.
However, the actor declared that the party will not be backing any party in the forthcoming elections or running for office in the general elections of 2024.